I went to this play having little to no knowledge of it beforehand, only knowing that it was set in Afghanistan. I had no clue what I was in for! It is a really gripping play, that is very emotional and heartbreaking. The show takes us on an emotional roller-coaster, where it seemed to have one sad thing after another (don't worry about that though, there are moments of happiness). Despite it being a really sad show, it is absolutely thrilling to watch! It's a really inspiring tale and delivers some very true to life messages, one being that some of the foolish decisions that are made as children help to form the adult. I know several instances of this with people I know. The main character Amir, makes some very bad mistakes as a child but it is truly inspiring how as an adult he picks himself up and puts all the wrong he had done right again. Some mistakes were too late to fix, but there were still chances for him to, as the play says, "become good again". The show doesn't have a 'fairytale ending', but it ends on a somewhat happier note than the rest of the play had been which worked well I thought. It leaves the audience wanting more and their minds are wondering as to what will happen to the characters. The cast were absolutely phenomenal! A very strong group of actors have been assembled for the show and there are no weak links. They are all able to portray fascinating characteristics, with some actors even with double roles. The cast gelled fantastically well together. Cast members who stood out were Ben Turner as Amir, Andrei Costin as Hassan and Sohrab, Nicholas Karimi as Assef and Emilio Doorgasingh as Baba. The lighting and costume design was great and serviced the show well. The set design was minimal, but this does not make the show inferior in the slightest. Though this minimal set, it was able to transport the audience into many different locations. The show comes across as being very well directed by Giles Croft, which adds to the shows success.
The featured star of The Kite Runner is, drum roll please... BEN TURNER!
Ben is stunning in the role of Amir. The character changes a lot throughout the show and faces many struggles which is excellently conveyed by Ben. So much happens to Amir throughout the show and Ben has no weak points during any of it!
Now for my final verdict on The Kite Runner. I give The Kite Runner...
I give this rating because it was a show that deeply touched my heart, which is something I haven't experienced with a show for a while. I was at the edge of my seat throughout and could not tell what would happen next.
Agree with my rating? Think it should have got a lower rating? If so comment below.
Thanks for reading!
Join me next time when I will be reviewing The Wild Party
-The Reviewer
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