I had an empty schedule for all of my weekend, so I made the decision to go and take a look what was playing at Richmond Theatre. Playing there this weekend was a play named Fracked, which I had actually heard a little bit about via my Mum's friend. I wasn't sure if it would be my kind of thing, but I was able to get a great deal on tickets so went for it. If I had known what the play was going to be like, I would have bought tickets in a heartbeat. Fracked is a political comedy, which focuses on the subject of fracking. The storyline follows an elderly, middle-class and well educated lady, who becomes roped into the war on fracking and ends up leading the campaign against it. Fracked is absolutely hilarious from start to finish. It seemed every single one of the audience members were in stitches. The script is brilliantly written; it is both witty and intelligent. I actually believe it would appeal to a vast majority of people's sense of humour. Not knowing about the issue of fracking would not be an issue, as they display a short video 5 minutes into the play, explaining as to what fracking is. The cast are all exceptional, they each display high-quality comedic ability. They all bounced off of each other's skills extremely well and through this kept the audience entertained for the duration of the play. Cast members who stood out were James Bolam as Jack, Harry Hadden-Paton as Joe, Freddie Meredith as Sam, Anne Reid as Elizabeth and Steven Roberts as Waiter. Usually in touring productions (especially for plays), the production aspects of the show are a little weak. This was certainly not the case here. Every single part of the production aspects are amazing. The set design, the lighting design, the costume design and the projection design were all remarkable. I was seriously impressed with all of these, it was a really pleasant surprise. It was a vert intelligent idea to use a revolving set, as it meant the show was able to show off different locations (usually touring plays end up having the same location throughout all of the show). Fracked is an extremely intelligent and artistic production, I can find no faults with it! It could definitely have a run in the West End and I think it would do very well.
The featured star of Fracked is, drum roll please... HARRY HADDEN-PATON!
I changed my mind a few times on this decision, because, as I previously mentioned, all the cast did a really excellent job. After changing who featured star was going to be several times, I eventually decided to choose Harry Hadden-Paton. Harry adds a lot to the show; he was the perfect choice for his role. He also bounces off his cast members extremely well.
Now for my final verdict on Fracked. I give Fracked...
I did wonder whether to give Fracked 5 stars, however decided to go with 4 stars in the end. Fracked will be heading to Theatre Royal, Bath and the Cambridge Arts Theatre, so if you live near there don't miss out!
Think it should have got a higher rating? Agree with my rating? Think it should have got a lower rating? If so comment below.
Thanks for reading!
-The Reviewer
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